This book is about c–o–n–n–e–c–t–i–o–n:
how important it is to have a connection with yourself in order to create a connection with your child. This idea carries over to the cover of the book. The design of the book goes hand in hand with the text: it is light and spacious, allows reader to stop and rest. Additional rhythm and emotion is created by images and image placement. Design of the book is not overpowering, it embraces both content and the reader.
148 × 210 mm
324 pages
324 pages
Author of the book: Eglė Lukinaitė-Vaičiurgienė
Language editor: Asta Žūkaitė
Book design: Margarita Bukšnaitytė
Photos in the book: Ugnė Poloudina
Photos of the book: Dovaldė Butėnaitė