Catalogues design for Lunds Konsthall,
Art gallery in Lund, Sweden
Art gallery in Lund, Sweden
Lunds Konshall is the municipal art gallery in the center of Lund and for decades one of the leading exhibitors of contemporary art in Sweden.
Unlike a museum, a kunsthalle works predominantly with living artists and regularly shows new work. Lunds konsthall showcases established artists as well as those who are lesser known but promising or ripe for rediscovery. Four or five exhibitions are mounted each year, a catalog is created for each of them. I have been working with this client since 2017.
Design Direction: Povilas Utovka
Design and layout: Margarita Bukšnaitytė (Margapieva)
Design and layout: Margarita Bukšnaitytė (Margapieva)
Photography: Edgaras Marozas